Remembering Thomas Isodiore Noel Sankara

He was overthrown and killed by enemies of Africa but no one ordered military invasion
In this month of August in 1983, Burkinabe Marxist revolutionary Thomas Sankara became President of Burkina Faso. Thomas Sankara’s short 4 years in power in Burkina Faso🇧🇫 before being overthrown in a French and CIA-backed coup:
- Vaccinated 2.5 million children against meningitis, yellow fever and measles in a matter of weeks.
– He initiated a nation-wide literacy campaign, increasing the literacy rate from 13% in 1983 to 73% in 1987.
– He planted over 10 million trees to prevent desertification
– He built roads and a railway to tie the nation together, without foreign aid
– He appointed women to high governmental positions, encouraged them to work, recruited them into the military, and granted pregnancy leave during education.
– He outlawed female genital mutilation, forced marriages and polygamy in support of Women’s rights
– He redistributed land from the feudal landlords and gave it directly to the peasants. Wheat production rose in. three years from 1700 kg per hectare to 3800 kg per hectare, making the country food self-sufficient.
We regret that the author of this factual story Irohinoodua is not in a position to verify