Russia speaks on use of flag by Nigerian protesters

By Ologeh Joseph Chibu
The Russian Federation has spoken on the purported use of its National Flag by demonstrators in some parts of Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country.
The West African country has been facing protests tagged EndBadGovernance fueled by poverty and human misery.
Inflation in the country of 200m people had reached an all time high of 33% after the removal of fuel subsidy that saw a hike in the prices of essentials of life.
Reports said protesters in the Northern city of Kano and in the country’s South West waved Russian flags during the protest, which started on Thursday.
The organisers planned a 10-day siege.
In his reaction, Press Secretary of the Russian Embassy in Abuja, Yury Paramonov denied any Russian involvement in the protests.
He said “The Russian Embassy in Nigeria has no information about any groups of protesters using the Russian flag or other state symbols of our country.”
Paramonov said “We have not seen such photo or video materials and would appreciate it if The Punch could provide us with such materials if they exist. Even if such incidents did occur, it would be the decision of individuals. We do not know why they might have used Russian flags.”
He said the Russian Federation is in no way involved in the current events in Nigeria and that Russia does not provide any material or financial support to the protesters.
But an official of the Oodua Peoples Congress, [OPC] Wumi Oyinlade said many Nigerians are frustrated by Western policies that have kept Nigeria underdeveloped since independence.
He said the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, (IMF) are conduit pipes for the exploitation and repression of Nigerians.
“There is a new thinking going on in Africa including Nigeria. People are asking questions about the alignment between Nigeria and the West which continues to stunt the economic growth of the country.
“I believe rasing the Russian flag was spontaneous and largely informed by anger against Nigeria and its consistent collaboration with the West.”
He said Russian could never have had a hand in the display of her flag but that the East European country was definitely not in a position to have dictated what individuals and groups wanted to do with the Russian flag.
He said the other angle is that the West which is fighting Russia using Ukraine as proxy, would do everything to instigate Nigeria against Russia using the flag issue as flimsy excuse.
Russia is making new friends in Africa, a development that came amidst the removal of depotic, corrupt and anti-people leaders who for ages have enjoyed the support and solidarity of the West.