Russia military now stronger, better than before Ukraine invasion

By Samson Adeleke
The leader of United States Airforce in Europe, Gen James Hecker has said that Russia has gained more numerical and tactical strength since the start of the conflict with Ukraine.
He said since the conflict began, Russia’s military has become bigger and stronger than it was in February 2022.
Experts interpret this to mean that the conflict may have become counter productive for the West which primary aim was to diminish Russia.
Since the conflict began, more than 30 countries in Europe have ganged up to support Ukraine in what now appears a failed dream to bring Russia on her knees both militarily, economically and even culturally.
Events since 2022 have proved that Russia’s will remains iron cast, unbroken eventhough the East European country appears to have been treating Ukraine with kid gloves deliberatly avoiding using her full strength and military grandeur.
Hecker said “Russia is getting larger, and they’re getting better than they were before. … They are actually larger than they were when [the invasion] kicked off,”
Hecker spoke to reporters at the Air and Space Forces Association’s annual Air, Space and Cyber Conference.
The West claims Ukraine has inflicted “heavy casualties on Russia” but on the field, Ukraine is seen constantly tucking its tail between its two legs literily at the approach of Russian lion. The millions of Ukrainians displaced is evident.
The US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said more than 350,000 Russian troops have been killed or wounded but he has failed to provide incontrovertible evidence.
The Pentagon press secretary Major General Pat Ryder spoke in similar manner when speaking with reporters Tuesday in response to a question from Voice of America, (VOA.)
Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the order to increase Russian army by 180,000 on active duty with 1.5 million soldiers. This would make Russia the second largest military in the world after China
“Russia is going to be something that we’re going to have to deal with for a long time, no matter how this thing ends,” Hecker said.
The Voice of America, VOA quoted a senior scholar at the Kennan Institute, William Pomeranz
thus “this move suggests that Vladimir Putin is losing the war.”
He said “This is an open signal from Vladimir Putin that his army and his military is in trouble and doesn’t have the resources to maintain troops in the field.”
This has been interpreted by military experts who spoke to our correspondent as a statement designed to promote what is against the opposite on the ground. “The US is waging psychological war. The leap in Russia Army was unexpected. The US and the West are worried and alarmed that in spite of the war, Russia is increasing in strength.The West wanted Russia on her knees. They are shortsighted. The war has exposed Russia to the make-up of modern West weapons most of which have been destroyed by Russia. The conflict has exposed the weakness of the West. It has indicated clearly that 30 most powerful Western countries are not strong enough to withstand Russia. The West is mourning and crying but they are too scared to admit,” Col Ariyo Olaofe, a Nigerian military expert told Irohinoodua.