Parties to CBD resume negotiation on science, technology ahead SBSTTA 26 in Kenya

By Samuel Ogunsona

As the sixth meeting on science and technology matters gets underway in Nairobi, stakeholders are seeking agreement
on issues pertaining to the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

Irohinoodua is expected to attend the historic event.

196 State Parties are involved in the Convention of Biological Diversity, CBD drive.

The framework plans encompassing four overarching goals for 2050, and 23 action targets to be achieved by 2030.

Irohinoodua heard that representatives of indigenous people,local communities and observer organizations will be recognized at the meeting.

The Chair of the SBSTTA Bureau, Senka Barudanovic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, said in a statement made available to Irohinodua on Friday, “This 26th meeting of SBSTTA is especially important as we are at a critical moment in time to ensure that our actions are guided by a robust foundation of scientific and technical knowledge, tools and guidelines. The good news is that there is a wealth of knowledge and experience for us to use and build on as we walk this journey together for effective conservation, sustainable use, and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits from the use of biodiversity.”

The deliberations at SBSTTA 26 on the monitoring framework will inform the discussion of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI 4) on planning, monitoring, review and reporting mechanism, which will ensue in Nairobi from 21-29 May.

Another momentous agenda item concerns the means of implementation of The Biodiversity Plan, specifically how the scientific and technical needs of all Parties, including Least Developed Countries (LDCs), among other developing countries, will be met.

David Cooper, Acting Executive Secretary of the CBD also stated that the Subsidiary Body is leveraging science and technology to help the Parties to the CBD deliver on their commitment to people and nature.

He said, “One year and a half after The Biodiversity Plan was historically adopted, Parties to the CBD must now fine-tune the important details that will take the world from agreement to action,”.

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