Newsbreak: Senate kick out request to attack Niger Republic using force

Ologeh Joseph Chibu

President Bola Tinubu’s request for military intervention in Niger Republic has been thrown out by the Nigerian Senate.

The Senate rejected the request of the President in his first major international assignment with far reaching global impact.

The military led by Brigadier Abdulraoumani Tchiani had staged a coup in July

The regional body,Economic Community of West African States, (ECOWAS) asked the military rulers to bring back the ousted civilian President Mohammadu Bouzum or face military action

The decision of the Senate to reject Tinubu’s request is not unexpected. The Northern caucus had earlier issued a statement condemning any attempt to use force. Senator Sulaiman Kawi representing Kano had called for restrain against the use of force.

Many Hausa who are in the majority in Northern Nigeria have cousins and relatives in Niger. One former Senator who does nor wish to be named told Irohinoodua that an attack on Niger Republic is like an attack on Kano and that Nigeria should not serve the interest of colonial France who rule and ruined her former colonies.

The Nigerian Senate on Saturday said the Niger crisis needs a political solution.

Tinubu wrote to the Senate on Friday. He sought a list of requests including military intervention.

After closed-door session that lasted for more than two hours on Saturday, the Senate ruled our military intervention in Niger.

Senate leader, Bamidele Opeyemi said the Senate rejected military action and opted for dialogue.

Senate President, Godswill Akpabio, said the Senate reviewed Tinubu’s request but chose the way of dialogue.

“At our executive session, the Senate condemned in totality the coup that took place in Niger Republic.

“The Senate commend President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and other Heads of State of ECOWAS on their prompt response.

“The Senate recognises the fact that President Tinubu, by the virtue of his correspondence, has not asked that we should approve a request to go to war, but he expressed a wish to solicit support in the successful implementation of the ECOWAS communique.

“The leadership of the Senate is mandated to further engage the President on how best to engage and resolve the issues,” Akpabio said.

The Senate asked the Chairman of ECOWAS, to further to open up window of dialogue with the Niger military leaders.

“The Senate is mandated to further engage President Bola Ahmed Tinubu on how best to resolve the issue in view of the cordial relationship between Nigeria and Niger.

“The Senate called on the ECOWAS Parliament to rise to this and condemn the military coup in Niger and to resolve the impasse,” Akpabio added.

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