‘’MBBS – Ibadan- Badge of Excellence

“MBBS – Ibadan- Badge of Excellence
By Dr Abraham. A. Ariyo
This is the respectful, distinguished badge of honor we received from our alma mater, The College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, at graduation. It is arguably the most important diploma in our lifetime. This badge is an emblem of excellence and prepared us for success and equipped us to navigate the world, conquering valleys, plateaus, and mountaintops. It allowed us to advance like soldiers, as elite warriors, and excel with distinguished gallantry and valor above and beyond the regular call of duty in whatever specialty we found ourselves. I salute this great badge.
Today, this distinguished badge hangs by a thread; the Colleges’ Medical School accreditation is on a cliffhanger. It needs urgent redemption.
This is a clarion call for the patriots to stand up and be counted, for the faithful to dive down and rescue the almost-submerged badge to the surface for it to breathe again and be alive.
We owe the College, ourselves, and future generations to heed this call, summon courage, and make a significant sacrifice like those before us to save this great School. This is our turn. It is our time. Please contribute to the Hostel funds today so the College can keep her accreditation. I hope I have inspired you in the way this badge inspires me daily.
Abraham A. Ariyo, M.D. (88)
President, ICOMAA-NA
2022 Hostel Campaign