
Kemi Badenoch stands for Freedom and Truth

By Ademola Akintoye

At 44, Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Badenoch has come to know something that even those who qualify to be her grandfathers, and those who went before them, have not, and had not known. Is there anything but commendation and praise that is to be heaped on someone like that? Must the indigenous peoples trapped in the vicious downward spiral of hatreds, underperformance and mediocrity, and bloodletting known as ‘nigeria’ not throw off the tremendously debilitating mentality and burden occasioned by the self destructive attitude which Fela referred to as the “Colonial Mentality”, finally?

I firmly believe that Kemi is another Divine gift to the Yorùbá Nation, and added strength for the ultimate peaceful resolution of the perennial ‘nigerian’ problem and impasse, which is far more than an economic problem, and will not be solved by economics, though it’s more fundamental mismatches have resulted in an economic quagmire, among all the other society-wide quagmires. Not so long ago, though older than many generations whose sole misfortune it is to have been born ‘Nigerian’ in the world, when ‘nigeria’ has too much money to spend, it was the mismatch of the ethnic nations which did ‘nigeria’ in. All the economy in the world will not solve those mismatches.

When the time comes for negotiation of the terms of dissolution of this albatross and millstone, the intolerable burdens about the necks of the indigenous peoples, of the presently “non-negotiable” squalid jailhouse and prison known as ‘nigeria’, Kemi will also be there, adding her own commendable and prescient voice.

Though I know so well that misery loves cold comfort and company, I pray for Kemi that the enemies of her applaudable, commendable position will not be able to do anything else to her but express their thoroughly baseless and groundless frustrations. As if we were all meant to continue forever in this tragic and utterly impassable state known as ‘nigeria’, the brainchild of british imperialist malignant colonisers who never meant well for the indigenous peoples.

Implicit in Kemi’s speech is a critique of the decisions and actions of british actors of time past, who invented ‘nigeria’.. her voice is just a loud voice. There are others in britain – Dele Ogun has been saying similar things, and he was on this forum.

Our Yorùbá Diaspora have an inalienable right to get in and be heard on the matter of the carnage and the graveyard of hopes for most, except for the devouring elite, who give no thought for the tomorrow that will be theirs to control of the children that are presently being reared today without a plan or provision on their behalf in the world, in a draconian evil that is currently referred to as ‘nigeria’.. it is the almajiri and area boys of yesterday that have become the nemesis of today in ‘nigeria’. And someone says Kemi must not speak, except in usual reprehensible hypocritical tones, to commend the chaos.

I beg leave Kemi well alone. And go lament the actions and omissions of your fathers, that have brought ‘nigeria’ to this lamentable juncture. If you do not know that there is a towering ‘nigerian’ problem, I have nothing else but pity for you. But if you will not let her be, she has the Divinely gifted tools to best any who seek to take her on. Her position is unassailable. She is Yorùbá, and she need not apologise for her inalienable identity. All the laws of the world recognise that. It is ‘nigeria’ that is an incongruity and an oddity, and an obvious no-gooder, among ethnic nations. Whilst others progress, ‘nigeria’ is notable for regressing! What are they even saying? ‘nigeria’ is top tier, in the first 3, among war torn, conflict ridden countries on earth. It is first among the most impoverished countries on earth! It possesses among the greatest numbers of untended, out-of-school children on earth! Those numbers, at between 15 to 18 millions, are more than the populations of about 124 out of the 196 independent countries on earth! Is that not enough to lament – except for those who revel in the sewers of human misery? Should we continue with the dismal statistics about ‘nigeria’?

I saw one, someone who is simply a mercenary of fortune, throwing his usual stones at Kemi – together with the predictable coterie of those who embody the Colonial Mentality, who, like the flies which die with the corpse, choose to die with ‘nigeria’, the putrefying, decaying corpse that is riddled with worms and swarming with flies, but which the vultures, those power elite ‘owners of nigeria’, who, feasting on ‘nigeria’s corpse, will not permit to it be buried. Well, the Iroko does not mind the little sticks or stones thrown at it from little people. Furthermore, they don’t sell good heritage, as Kemi’s, in the marketplace.

Since 1884, when, like a butcher, the Europeans carved up Africa in Berlin, neither they nor the rest of the world, has rested. They, Europeans, have had 2 world wars, a partition of Europe right through the center of the same Berlin, you guessed it, and all the participants in that macabre spectacle in Berlin have become perennial belligerent in a worldwide spectacle. Will they repent? I don’t know, do you? Now, with another war looming in Europe, the indigenous peoples of Africa, preeminent among whom are the Yorùbá, are positioning to retrieve their freedoms from those who afflicted us.. strewn across the face and the conscience of the world in the last 600 years, is racism, cultural and economic imperialism, slavery and colonialism, perhaps without precedent in history.. and the wars and conflicts increase at a turning point, an inflection point of world history..

“Where, Master?”

“Wherever you find a carcase, there the vultures will gather”.

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