Hakeem Baba-Ahmed: Fulani Ruling Class And Their Stronghold on Nigeria

Hakeem Baba-Ahmed: Fulani Ruling Class And Their Stronghold on Nigeria
By Bolaji O Akinyemi
Of course it is a common knowledge that every 2 out of 10 persons in the North are first generation immigrants, who might have come, from Mali, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Libya, Senegal, Guinea, Mauritania, Chad or Niger poultry sellers like the fathers of our President, Buhari and his Fulani cousin Hakeem Baba-Ahmed. 5 out of 10 persons on the streets in the north are offsprings of second generation immigrants, the remaining 3 we are left with are indigenous tribes who are taking the brut of the killings in Sokoto, Zamfara, Yobe, Gombe, Kaduna, Borno etc!
It is sad to note that 10 out of 10 killed or kidnapped are indigenous tribes who may be Muslims or Christians, but definitely not Fulani!
I don’t know if you have heard a report of one kidnapped Fulani, if it happen it is either an accident or represal attack!
Against this background, I was too emotionally insulted by the mouth of Northern Nigeria Elders from Mauritania, who through Fulani occupation of Northern Nigeria and their present nation Fulanization Agenda, found the effontry to assert his first class citizenship over the rest of us, and needed to call our bluff and put us where we belong! In hasty reaction, my admonition to the church in Nigeria to see the need to bridge the gap being widened by politicians through religious divide, I asked him to specify the heritage of leadership for which he was speaking, whether it was the one his father brought from Libya or the one he met in Nigeria?
I was wrong, this eloquent mouth, like most vital part of this mysterious northern body are an assemblage of foreign parts; of heads, necks, intestines, legs, brain all from only God knows where, with a Nigerian identity under the bond of Islam better “practised” by Fulani foreign elements than Nigerians who had interfaced with Islam before they arrived.
Islam though, originated from Mecca and Medina and is by culture and traditions the right of the Arabs to claim superiority in.
The convinience of compromise has turned it into a tool of religious conspiracy in the hands of those seeking avenue for 21st century slavery!
Who will blame them? A Yoruba adage says, “tí ẹrú bá pè nílé a bù alajobi”, meaning; “when a slave has stayed so long, he’ll be so bold to lambast the family idolised, cillective headship or heritage”. In just his 2nd generation in Nigeria, he has achieved so must for himself, courtesy of the rights segregation of tribes in their brand of Islam privileged him in Zaria which will never be the portion of a Muslim from the South West, South South, South East, North Central, North East or North West!
The superior and pure Islam can only be from Fulani in Nigeria! I said it before, the church must reach out to all sincere minds in Islam to end this dance of slavery under the guise of religion. These foreign immigrants have bitten more than they can chew! Baraje raised an alarm, that foreign militia were hired by APC to assist them win 2015 elections! His allegation, for me gave credence to the increased spate of killings we have witnessed which was activated by one of their descendants who openly told us he went to grottos of his cousins in the West African coast to announce to them that one of their own is now a Governor in Nigeria to give them money to stop killing his people in Kaduna!
May be, he possibly promised them a settlement in Nigeria, now that another one from amongst them is the President!
It is amazing the spell at work against every other tribe in Nigeria, Muslims or Christians who have accepted the pogroms as a political impasse! What is going on is not political or religious but an intentional operation to wipe out certain groups of people. It is a tenant refusing to remain tenant in a nation where landlords have lost the consciousness of their rights to heritage!
It took Lasisi Olagunju, in his article published in the Nigerian Tribune on Monday, 27th September, 2021 to beat me back to reasoning, where he wrote;
“Alhaji Baba Ahmed, a Mauritanian cow seller, plied his trade from his country to the Gold Coast (now Ghana) and to Dahomey (now Benin Republic). Business was very good but at a point, his customers in Dahomey, with impunity, refused to pay for his cows. Is it not the law that every seller must collect the proceeds of his sale? This was not the case with the cow seller who was not a son-of-the-soil in Dahomey!
The options before him were very limited. My people say if the landlord offends the tenant, it is the tenant who must go; again, if it is the tenant who has wronged the landlord, it is still the tenant who must go. This trader from Mauritania had to move out of Dahomey, leaving his money behind. And he moved, crossing over to Nigeria; first to Sokoto and later to Zaria. He entered Nigeria all alone but soon found Zaria a very conducive environment for his business, for his Islamic scholarship and for raising a family.” (See Daily Trust of Saturday, January 13, 2018).
The Mauritanian finally settled in Zaria around 1920, that was about 100 years ago – and died on November 5, 1987 in Zaria, reportedly at the age of 104 (see Facebook post of Abdulrahman M. Baba-Ahmed of 9th July, 2021).
Olagunju, went further, “Baba-Ahmed’s father was not an indigenous Nigerian but so was Joseph in the holy books. He was not an Egyptian yet he ended up as Prime Minister of Egypt”.
This reference to Joseph in the Bible, by Olagunju led me to the parallel. Yusuf, in the Qur’an is of interest to me at getting the Muslims and Christians in Nigeria to borrow themselves senses. The two books that both religions based their teachings on, recognized a man who neither practised both religions; Islam and Christianity. Joseph, I think we all should agree based on historical records, was a Jew who practised Judaism. Neither Mohammed who brought Islam, nor Isa the son of God conceived by the virgin Mariam, who came to preach the Kingdom of God and eventually died for the sins of the world and rose for the justification of all who will accept him as the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth, after whom the gentiles in Antioch mockingly named the religion; Christianity. This should inform our message of the Kingdom of God beyond the divide of tribes, tongues and religions.
The kingdom is God’s message for us to the globalist!
Finally, God’s out pouring of gifts of the Spirit will crystallize into a new move by the person of the Holy Spirit through Christ Eklesia in Africa. This is the season for which God ordained and has prepared Africa.
It must not be “hijabed” (for hijacked) by the likes of Hakeem Baba-Ahmed.
Religion must give way for spirituality. Let the spiritual from amongst us rise to the occasion! It is a change of order, God’s salvation beyond the limitations of religion is now! The masquerade of religion must be put to shame now!
Dr. Bolaji O Akinyemi, an Apostle focusing on revival in the church and revolution in the nation, the BID, as he is fondly called, is also a communication strategist.