
DSS arrests Sheik Gumi’s aide, Tukur Manu

DSS arrests Sheik Gumi’s aide, Tukur Manu

A prominent media aide of Islamic Scholar, Sheik Gumi has been arrested.

Tukur Mamu was arrested in Cairo on his way to Saudi Arabia.

Reports said he was on his way to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage.

Mamu has been a major negotiator between kidnappers and their victims and had on several occasions secured the release of those abducted.

Irohinoodua was informed that the INTERPOL arrested Mamu in Cairo after which he was transferred to Nigeria. The Department of State Security, (DSS) immediately arrested him on his arrival in Nigeria.

A state official who does not wish to be named told Irohinoodua that the DSS picked him to extract more information about his possible knowledge about kidnappers who have turned many Northern States into a hub.

Mamu was deeply involved in negotiations between terrorists who attacked an Abuja-Kaduna train which led to scores of deaths with several people abducted.

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