Save our rare animal species. This turtle was captured and ended up in a pot of soup in Yorubaland.
We need to begin the campaign to save our rare anima and plant species across the South West.
We are indigenous peoples. We must never allow our nature to be totally destroyed.
There is a spatial relationship between nature, spirituality and human development. We must preserve our nature. It is our humanity.
In the whole of Yoruba territories, there is no single world standard Zoo or biological garden. It’s really a shame.
Yoruba territories used to be hub of special animal species like Cheetah, Lions, Leopard, Elephants, Rhino, Warthog, Phytons, Buffalo, all have been exterminated. Plant species like Iroko, Mahogamy are all gone.
It is made worse by the invasion of Yoruba territories by terrorists who burn down plant and animal species.
Save the environment. Save the future of Yoruba Nation. Join Irohinoodua in this campaign.